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Electric tractor driver safety training details

What is a tractor/towtruck:

A tractor is used to move or land goods in carts or containers.


The training includes 3 hours of theory in group and 1 to 5 hours of practice per participant.


  • Summary of legislation
  • Basic knowledge of ARAB, Codex, liabilities and responsibilities.
  • Risks and accidents
  • Be able to identify, analyze and control risks specific to the job and equipment and space.
  • Safety regulations
  • Explain the safety rules as there are: only authorized persons should drive a tow truck, use the prescribed personal protective equipment, be familiar with the tow truck (read through the instruction book), always keep full attention to your work, know your traffic rules …
  • Load and charge diagram
  • Know what factors affect the load and stability of the tow truck.
    Understand and be able to use load diagrams.
  • Working with the tow truck
  • Know the elements that make up the starting check: inspect vehicle, check battery state of charge, check battery fluid level, check cables and plugs, test lights, indicators and gauges, check seat belt


  • Be able to perform daily inspection towtruck correctly, recognize dangerous defects and report them.
  • Apply correct mounting and dismounting technique.
  • Be able to use the controls correctly.
  • Application of safety and traffic rules: defensive driving, interaction with people and other drivers.
  • Be able to connect and disconnect batteries.
  • Loading/unloading the tow truck: not overloading the truck, ensuring proper weight distribution, being careful when hitching and unhitching …
  • Maintaining good driving technique: mastering driving movements, looking in the direction of travel, paying attention to clearance, adjusting driving speed, ensuring adequate distance, braking and cornering correctly …
  • Be able to perform the following maneuvers: forward, backward, pivot, turning and cornering forward and backward, passing in very narrow passages, parking …
  • Applying order and cleanliness.
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